Email:renhaitao@tiangong.edu.cn renhaitaomail@163.com
任海涛,1988年生,2015年6月获天津大学化学工程专业博士学位。“天津市131创新型第三层次人才”入选者;发表SCI收录论文20余篇(其中一区4篇),他引450余次,单篇最高100次,H因子12 (https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/hai-tao-ren/publications/);申请发明专利5项,已获授权1项。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,天津市自然科学基金项目1项,国家重点实验室自主课题1项,校级科研项目1项,校级教学改革项目1项。
l 国家自然科学基金项目,21806121,可见光下Bi2+mWO6同步氧化Mn(II)和As(III)的交互作用机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,31.04万元,在研,主持
l 天津市自然科学基金项目,17JCQNJC08000,DOM存在下光化学过程对铁矿物表面As(III)转化和迁移机制的研究,2017/04-2020/03,6万元,在研,主持
l 省部共建分离膜与膜过程国家重点实验室自主课题,Z2-201544,多功能Ag2O/TiO2/PAN杂化膜构建及氧化脱除As(III),2015/08-2017/08,3万元,已结题,主持
l 天津工业大学校级科研项目,Ag2O/TiO2/PAN杂化膜构建及氧化脱除As(III)的研究,2015/07-2017/07,2万元,已结题,主持
1) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Zou, J.J.; et al. A facile preparation of Ag2O/P25photocatalyst for selective reduction of nitrate. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 176 (2015) 53-61. (SCI 一区,IF: 11.698,他引52次)
2) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Wu, Y.; et al. Improved photochemical reactivities of Ag2O/g-C3N4 in phenol degradation under UV and visible light.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research53 (2014) 17645-17653. (SCI 二区,IF: 3.141, 他引100次)
3) Ren, H.T.; Han, J.; Li, T.T.; et al. Visible light-induced oxidation of aqueous arsenite using facile Ag2O/TiO2 composites: Performance and mechanism. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 377 (2019) 260-267. (SCI 三区,IF: 2.891)
4) Ren, H.T.*; Ji, Z.Y.; Wu,S.H.; et al. Photoreductive dissolution of schwertmannite induced by oxalate and the mobilization of adsorbed As(V). Chemosphere 208 (2018) 294-302. (SCI 二区,IF: 4.427,他引2次,*通讯作者)
5) Ren, H.T.*; Yang, Q. Fabrication of Ag2O/TiO2 with enhanced photocatalytic performances for dye pollutants degradation by a pH-induced method. Applied surface science 396 (2017) 530-538. (SCI 二区,IF: 4.439,他引25次,*通讯作者)
6) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Wu, S.H.; et al. Abiotic oxidation of Mn(II) induced oxidation and mobilization of As(III) in the presence of magnetite and hematite. Journal of Hazardous Materials254 (2013) 89-97. (SCI 一区,IF: 6.434, 他引13次)
7) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Liu, Y.; et al.Effects of Mn(II) on the sorption and mobilization of As(V) in the presence of hematite. Journal of Hazardous Materials217 (2012) 301-306. (SCI 一区,IF: 6.434, 他引12次)
8) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Wu, S.H.; et al. Ascorbic acid-assisted synthesis of TiO2 nanocrystals with controllable phases and highly reactive facets. Materials Letters 101 (2013) 69-71. (SCI 二区,IF: 2.687, 他引6次)
9) Ren, H.T.; Jia, S.Y.; Wu, S.H.; et al. Phase transformation synthesis of novel Ag2O/Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 composite with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Materials Letters 142 (2015) 15-18. (SCI 二区,IF: 2.687, 他引17次)
10) Zhao, X.K.; Ren, H.T.; Liu, J.Y. Effects of different scouring methods on the catalytic efficiency of pectinase for cotton knitted fabrics. Textile Research Journal 89 (2019) 635-644 (IF: 1.540, 他引1次)