


纺织科学与工程学院 服装设计与工程系




科研方面主要从事服装热湿舒适性;暖体假人的开发应用及服装局部热阻、湿阻测试;智能服装新材料的开发;服装生产管理等方面的研究。近年来,承担和参与国家自然基金项目、天津市自然基金项目、企业横向等研究10余项;在《Textile Research Journal》、《Surface Engineering》、《International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology》等国内外期刊上发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,获授权国家发明专利2项。



纺织科学与工程/服装设计与工程 博士/学硕/专硕


Wu, Z.; Shi, Y.; Yang, R.; Qian, X.; Fang, S. Modification and Validation of a Dynamic Thermal Resistance Model for Wet-State Fabrics. Processes 2023, 11, 1630.

Yang R, Wu Z, Qian X, Shi Y. Analysis and evaluation of the thermal performance of combinations of suits and life jackets in water. Textile Research Journal. 2023;93(5-6):1043-1056.

Wu, Z., Yang, R., Qian, X., Shi, Y., & Zou, C. (2023). Physiological and perceptual responses due to accidental water immersion. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 192, 108364.

Shi Y, Guan X, Qian X. Influence of quadrat characteristics on the evolution of the dispersion effect for fiber–water dispersions. Textile Research Journal. 2022;92(17-18):3243-3251.

Shi Y, Sun Z, Ma J, et al. Surface modification of ES fibres: the controllability of fold structure and its effect on hydrophilicity[J]. Surface Engineering, 2021: 1-10.

Shi Y, Chen H, Guan X. High shape memory properties and high strength of shape memory polyurethane nanofiber-based yarn and coil[J]. Polymer Testing, 2021: 107277.

Shi Y, Wang L, Zhang W, et al. Thermal and wet comfort of fabrics based on fractal dimension of silicone coating[J]. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2018, 13(1): 155892501801300102.

Shi Y, Wang L, Qian X. Effect of non-uniform skin of “Walter” on the evaporative resistance and thermal insulation of clothing[J]. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2017.

师云龙; 钱晓明; 梁肖肖; 张文欢; 邓辉; 王立晶; 范金土, 仿人体出汗比例的Walter暖体假人皮肤制备, 纺织学报, 2018, (05): 103~107   

邓辉;师云龙;胡源盛;钱晓明;范金土.开放式局部热阻测试系统的实现[J]. 纺织学报, 2018, 39 (09): 127-133.   

张文欢; 钱晓明; 师云龙; 范金土; 牛丽, 服装局部热阻与总热阻的动静态关系及其模型, 纺织学报, 2018, (07): 111~115   

张文欢; 钱晓明; 范金土; 牛丽; 师云龙, 成年男性各部位非显性出汗率的比例关系, 纺织学报, 2018, (06): 119~124    

张文欢; 钱晓明; 范金土; 师云龙; 牛丽, 人体出汗率分布的研究进展[J]. 纺织学报, 2018, 39(08): 179-184.    

牛丽;钱晓明;范金土;张文欢;师云龙.可降温式消防服的设计与降温效果评价[J]. 纺织学报, 2018, 39(06): 106-112.